Default Myspace Marketing For Dealerships - What I Did For A Living.

Also our technique to get people to come in to the dealership is my company had a raffle for a $1,000 gift card.
Key points on how your dealership can benefit from Myspace Marketing
Understanding The Issues And The Solution
(my company's) Solution Designed to Increase Sales
Demographic Marketing
Ad Examples
Why We Know Myspace And Email Marketing Works
Cost of the Solution Recommended by (my company)
Return on Investment
Value Analysis 1 and 2
The Costs Associate With Selling Each Car
Average Dealership Costs
Cost Associated With Our Service
Determining The Financial Attractiveness
Success stories & Quotes
How Myspace Has Helped Other Organizations
And What People Are Saying About It
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How your dealership can benefit from our Myspace Marketing services
Automatic Advertisement Delivery
Distribute promotions , and change them at a moments notice.
Guaranteed advertisement delivery.
Response rate of E-Mail, with TV like repetition.
Increase Brand Awareness Of Your Dealership
Everyone in the area will have your dealership at the top of their mind..
More customer interaction than any other type of marketing
Dealership info on the largest network of people in the world.
Powerful Target Media List Builder
List of over 100,000 local people to display promotions.
Keep the list when your done with your service
Communicate only to people close to your dealership.
Harvest traditional E-Mail's for internet sales to follow up with.
Affordable Pricing
Lowest price per ad placed than any other company in the world
Most ads placed per campaign than any other company in the world
Largest ROI than any other company in the world.
Demographic Analysis
Target people based on the type of car they are most likely to buy.
Sort people by age, race, sex, income
Target low income groups for dealership financing
Share dealership created content with users
Ability to distribute pictures , recordings or video of you, and your staff
Large subscribers list becomes your own personal TV station.
Understanding the Issues
Television Marketing - Live Tv viewing which is falling 10% year-over-year among the four major broadcast networks.
Newspaper Ads - Fewer daily newspapers are sold today than in 1960 despite a 50 percent increase in the U.S. population
Radio Ads - Radio listeners down to 12.5%, from 13.2% in 2004.
Print Ads - Overall revenue generated from print advertising fell 9.4% last year
The Solution
Myspace - 20% growth yearly , generating $550,000,000 in outside sales in 2007
E-Mail Marketing - Medium sized businesses reported the best results with a 59.8 percent increase in sales
Large enterprises saw a 47.1 percent increase in sales
Small companies saw a 42.6 percent increase in sales
66 percent of companies indicated that email increased their sales.
63 percent of respondents said that email marketing was their most effective customer retention tool
37 percent said that it was an effective customer acquisition tool
Of the companies polled, 15 percent of their total sales came from email-based promotions
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(my company’s) Solution Designed to Address Your Needs
Myspace Building - Includes links to your website, inventory list, and LIVE CHAT ROOM
100,000 Request Subscriptions , with a advert from your dealership sent with each one
72,000 Targeted E-Mail Messages About Cars In Your Inventory - See demographic example
72,000 Direct E-Mail Messages About Special Sales Or Promotions You Have
478,000,000 Advertisements About Special Sales Or Promotions.
56,000 Targeted Personal Messages To Increase Customer To Dealership Relationships
Unlimited Content Updates On Your Page
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Dealership Email Marketing Success
e-mail –noun 1. A system for sending messages from one individual to another via telecommunications links between computers or terminals.
Dealership Location: Georgia
Date of E-Mail Campaign: 2006/10/03
E-Mail Campaign Type: Fall Special
Length of E-Mail Campaign: 30
Total E-Mail Emails Sent: 7265
Customer Visits within 30 Days: 957
E-Mail Campaign Response Rate: 13.17%
Total Gross: $225,560.46
Dealership Location: Virginia
Date of E-Mail Campaign: 2006/09/28
E-Mail Campaign Type: Pre Winter Special
Length of E-Mail Campaign: 30
Total E-mails Sent: 12580
Customer Visits within 30 Days: 563
E-Mail Campaign Response Rate: 4.48%
Total Gross: $213,799.68
Dealership Location: Oregon
Date of E-Mail Campaign: 2006/11/30
E-Mail Campaign Type: Winter Value Package
Length Of E-Mail Campaign: 30
Total Emails Sent 4617
Total E-Mail Customer Visits within 30 Days: 435
E-Mail Campaign Response Rate: 9.42%
Total Gross: $116,325.64
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Cost of the Solution Recommended by (my company)
Cost information relative to the recommendation (my company) is making to your dealership:
Myspace Marketing
Myspace Building - Includes links to your website, and a complete inventory list.
100,000 Friend Request Subscriptions , with a advert
72,000 Targeted Messages About Your Inventory
72,000 Messages About Special Sales Or Promotions You Have Running
56,000 Targeted Personal Messages
300,000,000+ Mass Messages About Sales or Promotions
Unlimited Content Updates On Your Page
Giveaway Promotion
$15,000 Total (that's how much I charged, 97% net profit)
$625 A Month
For 24 Months
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BHW NOTE: This is my favorite part, all figures are based on the NADA average price per new car sold, and NADA reports on gross profit vs sales. Also the % who purchase numbers come from the dealership sales associates closing rate.
Return On Investment
Value Analysis 1
"B2C promotional emails often range from about 2% to 12% conversion".
LYRIS Email Labs
Over A 2 Year Period
Myspace Marketing Dealership Traffic Increase Total New Customers
Advertising to 100,000 potential clients X 1% Conversion rate (make appointment or come to the dealership) = 1000
Marketing Return On Investment
Percent Who Purchase: 10% Number Of Buyers: 100
Total Sales: $2,879,700
Sales ROI: 19,098% Total Gross: $383,000 Gross ROI: 2,453 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 20% Number Of Buyers: 200
Total Sales: $5,759,400
Sales ROI: 38,296% Total Gross: $766,000 Gross ROI: 5,006 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 30% Number Of Buyers: 300
Total Sales: $8,639,100
Sales ROI: 57,494% Total Gross: $1,149,000 Gross ROI: 7,559 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 40% Number Of Buyers: 400
Total Sales: $11,518,800
Sales ROI: 76,692 % Total Gross: $1,532,000 Gross ROI: 10,113 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 50% Number Of Buyers: 500
Total Sales: $14,398,500
Sales ROI: 95,890 % Total Gross: $1,915,000 Gross ROI: 12,670 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 60% Number Of Buyers: 600
Total Sales: $17,278,200
Sales ROI: 115,088 % Total Gross: $2,298,000 Gross ROI: 15,219 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 70% Number Of Buyers: 700
Total Sales: $20,157,900
Sales ROI: 134,286 % Total Gross: $2,681,000 Gross ROI: 17,773 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 80% Number Of Buyers: 800
Total Sales: $23,037,600
Sales ROI: 153,484 % Total Gross: $3,064,000 Gross ROI: 20,326 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 90% Number Of Buyers: 900
Total Sales: $25,917,300
Sales ROI: 172,682% Total Gross: $3,447,000 Gross ROI: 22,880 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 100% Number Of Buyers: 1000
Total Sales: $28,797,000
Sales ROI: 191,880 % Total Gross: $3,830,001 Gross ROI: 25,433 %
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Value Analysis 2
Over A 2 Year Period
BHW NOTE: Same as above , but projecting a terrible .01% conversion rate.
Marketing Return On Investment
Percent Who Purchase: 10% Number Of Buyers: 10 Total Sales: $287,970
Sales ROI: 1,819 % Total Gross: $38,300 Gross ROI: 155 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 20% Number Of Buyers: 20 Total Sales: $575,940
Sales ROI: 3,739 % Total Gross: $76,600 Gross ROI: 410 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 30% Number Of Buyers: 30 Total Sales: $863,910
Sales ROI: 5,659 % Total Gross: $114,900 Gross ROI: 670 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 40% Number Of Buyers: 40 Total Sales: $1,151,880
Sales ROI: 7,579 % Total Gross: $153,200 Gross ROI: 921 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 50% Number Of Buyers: 50 Total Sales: $1,439,850
Sales ROI: 9,499 % Total Gross: $191,500 Gross ROI: 1,176 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 60% Number Of Buyers: 60 Total Sales: $1,727,820
Sales ROI: 11,148 % Total Gross: $229,800 Gross ROI: 1,432 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 70% Number Of Buyers: 70 Total Sales: $2,015,790
Sales ROI: 13,338 % Total Gross: $268,100 Gross ROI: 1,687 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 80% Number Of Buyers: 80 Total Sales: $2,303,760
Sales ROI: 15,258 % Total Gross: $306,400 Gross ROI: 1,942 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 90% Number Of Buyers: 90 Total Sales: $2,591,730
Sales ROI: 17,178 % Total Gross: $344,700 Gross ROI: 2,198 %
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Percent Who Purchase: 100% Number Of Buyers: 100 Total Sales: $2,879,700
Sales ROI: 19,098 % Total Gross: $383,000 Gross ROI: 2,453 %
The Costs Associate With Selling Each Car
Average Dealership Cost
Cost Associated With Our Service
Sales A Month: 1 Total Cars Sold: 24 Cost Per New Vehicle Sold: $625
Sales A Month: 2 Total Cars Sold: 48 Cost Per New Vehicle Sold: $312
Sales A Month: 3 Total Cars Sold: 72 Cost Per New Vehicle Sold: $208
Sales A Month: 4 Total Cars Sold: 96 Cost Per New Vehicle Sold: $156
Sales A Month: 5 Total Cars Sold: 120 Cost Per New Vehicle Sold: $125
Sales A Month: 6 Total Cars Sold: 144 Cost Per New Vehicle Sold: $104
Sales A Month: 7 Total Cars Sold: 168 Cost Per New Vehicle Sold: $89
Sales A Month: 8 Total Cars Sold: 192 Cost Per New Vehicle Sold: $78
Sales A Month: 9 Total Cars Sold: 216 Cost Per New Vehicle Sold: $69
Sales A Month: 10 Total Cars Sold: 240 Cost Per New Vehicle Sold: $62
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Determining The Financial Attractiveness
First Month
Units Sold Fixed Costs Revenue Profit
0 $15,000 $0 - $15,000
1 $15,000 $3,830 - $11,170
2 $15,000 $7,660 - $7,340
3 $15,000 $11,490 - $3,510
4 $15,000 $15,320 $320
5 $15,000 $19,150 $4150
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Success stories & QUOTES
How Myspace And E-Mail Marketing Has Helped Other Dealerships
And What People Are Saying About It
BHW NOTE: I left alot of these out, the real proposal has two pages.
" This has worked well. It has given the dealership an oportunity to appeal to the 18-30 yr old market in our area, whish is mainly small town/rural. This has been very successful for us. Especially for bringing in business into the service department. We have also had at least 1 sale a month from our myspace page."
Susie-Internet Manager at Rainbow CDJ of McComb, MS
"There are a lot of people to be reached and a lot of impressionable minds on MySpace. Surprisingly enough, these people want to be 'friends' with car dealers."
*The new frontier of dealership marketing"
J.D. Power and Associates , when asked about social networks
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BHW SUMMARY: A plan using Myspace and incentives to help car dealerships sell cars. They break even at 4 units sold, and with only 2 sales a month through my service, they have a cost per vehicle sold that is as low as autotrader.
I have worked with quite a few dealerships, and every one has surpassed my expectations, showing that this plan really works.
Also, I left out the part of the proposal that show's ad and message examples.
I hope you guys enjoyed and that it didn't bore you too much. If you have any questions about any of it, just ask.
Remember the thanks button.